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GVS Blogs

Don't Cast Those Study Commission Votes Just Yet

There are a lot of important decisions to make as you fill out your ballots over the coming days and weeks, but perhaps none affect things closer to home than the five candidates you will select to serve on the City of Bozeman Study Commission and the seven candidates you will select for the Gallatin County Study Commission. We've heard a lot of feedback from residents in both the city and county that many of them don't fully understand what the local government study is, but they just know that


admin in GVS Original Content

City of Bozeman Week in Review - Week of 10/7/24

This past week was a big one for Bozeman, with the City Commission determining the future of urban camping on the public right-of-way (ROW) and assigning the number of mills that will be charged on property tax bills. In addition to the nearly six-hour commission meeting, four other advisory boards met, including the Community Development Board, Gallatin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization, Sustainability Board, and Inter-Neighborhood Council. Below are the highlights from each meeting, an

Letter to the Editor

Submitted by:  Anna Shchemelinin Montanans who believe that CI-128 is necessary to protect women's reproductive rights have to do their homework and learn the facts; pro-CI-128 agitators must stop spreading fear-mongering lies to low-informed, easy-to-manipulate voters. They want people to believe that Republicans want to criminalize all abortions, including in cases of rape and incest, when the mother's life is at risk, and even miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. They don't want people

City of Bozeman Week in Review - Week of 9/30/24

This past week was a “light” week for the number of city meetings, with only the City Commission having met. That being said, in the four-hour long meeting, much was discussed, including the finalized public engagement plan for the Unified Development Code (UDC), approval of over $2 million in TIF funding to the development of a project called Wallace Works, and a discussion of the city’s Fire / EMS impact fees. Below are the highlights from each topic, and if you would like to read through the

From the Mexico Border to Bozeman: An Exclusive Interview with Stacy Zinn, Former DEA Special Agent

The Gallatin Valley Sentinel sat down with recently-retired DEA Special Agent, Stacy Zinn, on September 30, 2024, for a candid conversation about the open border, growing Hispanic population and drug cartels in the Gallatin Valley, why Bozeman and the surrounding area is such an easy target for them, how they are using our local resources to establish roots here, and what local government should be doing to stop the problem.  

City of Bozeman Week in Review - Week of 9/23/24

Welcome to the first edition of our weekly offering titled the “City of Bozeman Week in Review.” We at the Gallatin Valley Sentinel realize that the vast majority of you do not have the time to watch or attend each of the city’s advisory board and commission meetings held each week. Many times, total meeting hours can average 10 hours or more per week. This section of our website will summarize the key takeaways you need to be aware of and provide you with access to opinion-free notes transcribe

Letter to the Editor

Submitted by:  Anna Shchemelinin Despite promising to publish opinions from all sides of the political spectrum, the Bozeman Daily Chronicle hasn't yet posted my letter to the editor (LTE), which I submitted after attending the Affordable Housing presentation by Bozeman Mayor, Terry Cunningham, on September 23. Regardless of whether BDC decides to post my LTE, their 300-word maximum format is not enough to adequately describe the event. So, here are my notes: Very few people attend


admin in Public Commentary

What’s the matter with Bozeman: Why an out-of-touch elite-backed agenda requires a populist response.

Submitted by:  Andrew Thomas [1] The problem The current push for densification, expensive public works projects that seemingly have little real purpose, and overall craziness exhibited by public officials and some of their constituents is clearly evident in Bozeman.  As manifested in the endless desire to install yet another large, multi-story apartment building or spend hundreds of thousands of dollars studying bike lanes while a substantial portion of the population cann


admin in Public Commentary

How to Submit a Blog to The Gallatin Voice

The Gallatin Voice is a special section of our blog reserved for public commentary and opinion. This could be content contributed by subject experts, professionals, contrarians, registered users of the site, or the general public.  If you would like to submit your own public commentary or opinion piece, please send it to info@thegvsentinel.com, and we will post it with your permission. In your submission, please include either your real name or GVS Community username.


admin in Public Commentary

An Open Invitation to Our Neighbors

In the weeks ahead, tens of thousands of people will become aware of our organization and this website, and we wanted to provide some context on the upcoming events we are planning to host. Our intention is to provide the platform for the kinds of discussions that are simply not being had in our community, both on the city and county level. These discussions are intended to be a resource for everyone who wants to learn more about a variety of topics and hear directly from the thought leaders, sp

Did the 2024 Paris Olympics End the Trans-Gender Debate?

As if the Paris Olympics couldn’t have begun with more of a bang, with their deranged and blasphemous opening ceremony, outwardly mocking the religion of 2.2 billion Christian Earth inhabitants, they just had to take it THERE next.  On Thursday, August 1st, Italian Female boxer Angela Carini withdrew from her fight against Algeria’s questionably male/female boxer Imane Khelif after being punched in the head 46 seconds into the fight.  The Internet has been abuzz since.  People from all ov

Joe Black

Joe Black in Schools

Welcome to Downtown Bozeman

Does anyone ever wonder who is responsible for the flower baskets downtown in the summer or the Christmas Stroll in the winter? Those are the things that everyone knows and loves, but what about the rest? Like when you pull into the tiny parking lot that says there are six spaces available when there really are none, to then have to maneuver your made-for-Montana vehicle to get turned around to get back to the exit, but not before your tires take the journey through potholes that make you wonder

Bozeman Can Do Better

Bozeman has a homelessness problem. Local politicians have exacerbated that problem through failed, ideologically driven policies that have resulted in excess spending of taxpayer dollars on homeless services with an extremely poor return-on-investment. Despite throwing money at this societal issue, the numbers of those that have moved into permanent housing from our city streets remains abysmally low. According to a 2021 HUD study, and proven by Bozeman’s Ordinance 2147, “responding to encampme
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