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City of Bozeman Week in Review - Week of 10/7/24

This past week was a big one for Bozeman, with the City Commission determining the future of urban camping on the public right-of-way (ROW) and assigning the number of mills that will be charged on property tax bills. In addition to the nearly six-hour commission meeting, four other advisory boards met, including the Community Development Board, Gallatin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization, Sustainability Board, and Inter-Neighborhood Council. Below are the highlights from each meeting, an

City of Bozeman Week in Review - Week of 9/30/24

This past week was a “light” week for the number of city meetings, with only the City Commission having met. That being said, in the four-hour long meeting, much was discussed, including the finalized public engagement plan for the Unified Development Code (UDC), approval of over $2 million in TIF funding to the development of a project called Wallace Works, and a discussion of the city’s Fire / EMS impact fees. Below are the highlights from each topic, and if you would like to read through the

City of Bozeman Week in Review - Week of 9/23/24

Welcome to the first edition of our weekly offering titled the “City of Bozeman Week in Review.” We at the Gallatin Valley Sentinel realize that the vast majority of you do not have the time to watch or attend each of the city’s advisory board and commission meetings held each week. Many times, total meeting hours can average 10 hours or more per week. This section of our website will summarize the key takeaways you need to be aware of and provide you with access to opinion-free notes transcribe
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