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Did the 2024 Paris Olympics End the Trans-Gender Debate?

Joe Black


As if the Paris Olympics couldn’t have begun with more of a bang, with their deranged and blasphemous opening ceremony, outwardly mocking the religion of 2.2 billion Christian Earth inhabitants, they just had to take it THERE next.  On Thursday, August 1st, Italian Female boxer Angela Carini withdrew from her fight against Algeria’s questionably male/female boxer Imane Khelif after being punched in the head 46 seconds into the fight.  The Internet has been abuzz since. 

People from all over the world watched as Carini’s Olympic dreams, and all the hard work she’d put into her childhood and young adult life, were shattered on the world stage.  Viewers from all walks of life were appalled, heartbroken and frankly disturbed to see a woman get punched by a man, at the Olympic Games.  On the flip side, the Internet also exploded defending Khelif, saying that it was a “condition” that Khelif was born with, and that it wasn’t fair to be calling her a man and that it was a fair fight, because she was born with lady parts.

The International Olympic Committee allowed him/her to compete as a woman in the 2024 Olympic games though the International Boxing Association disqualified him/her in 2023 and barred him/her from competing as a woman, because of the chromosome/testosterone levels.   Confusing right? I’m not sure what the answer is and I’m sure Khelif trained really hard too, but it’s hard to know what to believe anymore, particularly with the viral attempts by the media to sway public opinion with bogus information. 

Imane Khelif was evidently born with female anatomy, but also presented an abundance of Y chromosomes, thus increasing testosterone and causing ‘her’ to present as male.  The biological and medical details of his/her condition have been fuzzy, as the media loves to pump out information to fit whatever narrative they’re trying to push that day.  So, let’s get back to the LGBTQ+ community at large, and their overwhelming social media crusade to defend Khelif because she/he was born with female genitalia, and therefore a woman.  Khelif was born with female genitalia and is therefore a woman.  Got it.

So that should settle it, right?  Here’s what I know to be true:  you are what you’re born with, and gender identity should be squashed out of our day to day lives now forever.  Unfortunately, we know that won’t happen.  The media will continue to spin stories and defend this agenda that now begins in elementary schools and goes all the way up to the Olympic games and beyond.  For a group so hell bent on “protecting women’s bodies,” it sure is interesting to see people cheering on and defending Khelif like she’s a lion being released from the hypogeum to attack an unsuspecting gladiator on the floor of the Colosseum.  I guess humanity isn’t so “progressive” after all, but that’s for another time. 

So how does this apply to your community here in Bozeman, MT,  Pop: 59,000?  Well, Bozeman is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S., according to The Arrival Co. (www.thearrivalco.com).  They cite “Quality of Life, a Booming Economy, Affordable Cost of Living, Proximity to Yellowstone and Strong Community” as their main reasons that Bozeman has become so attractive.  That all sounds wonderful, except it’s not the reality of living here.  It is close to Yellowstone, I will give them that.

The Bozeman local government seems transfixed on adopting the liberal policies that have destroyed nearly every major city in America.  Residents are bracing for impact with a much higher cost of living, skyrocketing property taxes, substantially increased utility bills, inflation, a growing illegal immigrant population and in relationship to that, higher crime levels than the city has ever seen.  Instead of creating a sound economic budget that ensures the success of our city and instead of helping infrastructure and hiring more police officers and firemen, the City Commission would rather see hard working Bozemanites front the bill for the unnecessary problems they have invited in. 

On Tuesday, August 6, 2024, the City Commission went on for hours and admitted that there is a huge divide in the community on certain issues, and that things they are allowing (Urban Camping) are not safe for the public nor are they sustainable at all, yet they are doing nothing about it.  They are making decisions without the public’s input, they are sneaking agenda items on without telling the community, and they are outright ignoring the public’s cries to stop doing what they are doing.  They want to solve the homeless problem before they ensure the city’s longevity.  If they keep going, all that will be left of Bozeman is a wasteland of people reliant on government assistance and no one in their right mind is going to stick around to fund City salaries with their taxes.  The bubble is going to burst if they are not stopped.  There is a point to this article and how it ties into the Olympics and it’s that these Woke Liberal Agendas have most certainly extended to the City’s most vulnerable:  THE CHILDREN.

The Trans Agenda is certainly taking America’s population by storm, but it’s extremely creepy that it’s the adults who are pushing it on to children.  They are being treated like prey by these sick people like influencer Jeffrey Marsh, whose unhinged rants on Instagram invite children to leave their families and cut off contact with them and come live with him.  What?! If you haven’t looked him up, don’t.  It’s what nightmares are made of and it’s shocking that he has not been investigated, yet he is profiting on writing children’s books.

Kids are already in a super volatile time in their lives in grade school through high school, trying to learn, make friends, grow up and grow into who they are as little people.  They are being propagandized everywhere they go, by social media, by pornographic books for children, by their teachers, and by their own local government in some states.  Sadly, some of their parents are so insecure and desperate to fit in they are buying into the whole thing as well and it is downright child abuse.  We must make sure that Montana’s State and Local government aren’t willing to go this far. 

Kids should not be forced to make final decisions about the rest of their lives with the tough questions they are being forced to answer these days:   Am I just having a bad day or was I born in the wrong body?  That is how quickly it happens and with no mental evaluation or real treatment for possible dysphoria, surgeries are scheduled and that is that.  Sally just became Sal and she’s 16.  She can no longer have kids one day, but she was sure she’s a man at 16.  It’s abuse.   

By the time this article is published I won’t have definitive answers from school board leadership on what the Gallatin County School Board’s position is on the gender bathroom situation.  I intend to find out.  I want to find out if like Kamala Harris’ Vice President pick, Gov. Tim Walz wants, there will be tampons in the boys’ bathrooms.  It starts here.  It starts with our Nation’s most important resource: our kids.  Without confident, happy, smart and well-rounded children growing into young adults and into the work force, our great nation is doomed.  Let’s get back to a time when reading, writing, spelling, math, science and history were paramount in their education.  It’s the adults need to stop confusing them.  We must be vigilant in not normalizing that children can decide to destroy their bodies before adulthood, aided and abetted by the insurance companies, big Pharma and evil surgeons.  If Bozeman schools are going to engage in this gender propaganda in their classrooms, who knows how many of our kids will fall victim to this permanent solution to a child’s confusion. 

How many girl volleyball stars are going to be spiked in the face and left paralyzed on their whole left side by a boy?  How many girl track stars are going to be left in the dust at a State Championship by a boy?  On that note, why aren’t more girls trying to compete as boys?  Could it be the missing Y chromosome that gives an unfair advantage?  Yes, yes, it is.  If protecting women’s bodies is the hill the left wants to die on, let us be tasked with protecting their bodies, their hearts, their minds and their dreams too.  Please comment if you’d like to get involved with the School Board.  Together we can make a difference, and a lot of small voices make a very loud one.

Post Script:  Will update with data sets once School Board responds to questions. 


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